Myrtle Greens
What We Do
For over 20 years, Myrtle Greens has been an international producer and distributor of premium quality vegan and vegetarian food in both the retail and foodservice sectors.
Our Vegetarian Plus brand of gourmet plant-based protein has the most authentic flavor and superior texture, offering innovative alternative meat offerings than can quickly broaden your menu and cut down your preparation time, labor, and complexity. The end result will wow vegans and meat eaters alike. Stop by booth #1365!
Our Vegetarian Plus brand of gourmet plant-based protein has the most authentic flavor and superior texture, offering innovative alternative meat offerings than can quickly broaden your menu and cut down your preparation time, labor, and complexity. The end result will wow vegans and meat eaters alike. Stop by booth #1365!
Plant-Based, Vegan
1419 S. Myrtle Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
United States
Monrovia, CA 91016
United States